Max Carter Pre-Worship Enrichment on 12/4/2022

Mark Helpsmeet's picture
Max Carter PWE 12/4/2022 Eau Claire Quakers

Max Carter leads the 15-minute pre-worship enrichment with Eau Claire Quakers on 12/4/2022. Max has a special connection to olive trees, having participated in the olive harvest in Palestine for decades in connection with the Friends United Meeting, Tent of Nations, and Ramallah Friends Meeting.

Lloyd Lee Wilson Pre-Worship Enrichment from 4/24/22

Mark Helpsmeet's picture
Lloyd Lee Wilson

Lloyd Lee Wilson was our guest and presenter for pre-worship enrichment on 4/24/22.

Lloyd Lee Wilson is the author of the 1993 book, Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order. He is also author of some pamphlets including Wrestling With Our Faith Tradition, Who Do You Say I Am, Radical Hospitality, and also another book, Memoir of the Life and Religious Labors of Lloyd Lee Wilson.

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